4.5 Hours to Go

Little steps. My u/s is in 4.5 hours.

With Natan, I couldn’t work on days I had doctors’ appointments so I spent most of the day on the couch re-reading Harry Potter novels. My new procrastination and distraction tool is apparently blogs. I’m frustrated that so few people have written new posts today because it’s only 8:30am and I’ve run out of them! C’mon, am I going to have to do some WORK before my appointment today? I did find a blog I hadn’t seen before via the Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Loss Directory. Melissa, whose sad but funny posts, especially this one, made me want to read more, caught my attention because of its title.

I’m so nauseous today, but not sure if it’s morning sickness or terror.

I wish I knew what the subject of my post this afternoon will be….

7 responses to “4.5 Hours to Go

  1. You must be distracted! Two grammar mistakes in one paragraph (both on account of the misuse of apostrophes). Of course you know I’m not ragging on you – I do far worse with great regularity. Good luck with your appointment today (to the extent that such makes sense); I’ll keep you in my prayers.

  2. Hah. I corrected them.

    Thanks, Chris.

  3. There were three errors, so take that Chris. 🙂

  4. I stalk blogs too, and not just on appointment days. If I keep showing up for work, but not doing anything will they fire me, you think?

    3 hours to go. Thinking of you.

  5. Working on a new post Sara. I will try to get it up soon to give you a new distraction.

    Will be thinking of you today- can’t wait for the update.

  6. How thoughtless of people not to update their blogs. Don’t they know you’re counting on them to distract you?

    Waiting to hear how it went…

  7. Sorry it took me so long to post a new post today! Very selfish of me. Now i am waiting for a post for you…

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